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     C.  Explosive Growth

The explosive growth of the Internet has also lead to world wide attention. Several media sources have recognized this and produced numerous facts and quotes related to the topic:

"Three years ago, 4% of Americans used the Internet every day... today the figure is 25%" Fortune Magazine, December 7, 1998.

"200 Million people use the World Wide Web today... 500 million will use it in less than three years..." James Canton, California Futurist, addressing the UNC School of Business on November 12, 1998.

"U.S. business trade on the Internet will explode from $43 billion in 1998 to $1.3 trillion in 2003" Forrester Research, December 17, 1998.

"In 1996, 5 million people bought products and services through the Internet; In 1997, 10 million people; In 1998, 17 million people" Newsweek, December 7, 1998

"Consumers are shifting their buying power in favor of the Internet more rapidly than we had anticipated." Derek Brown, senior analyst at Volpe Brown Whelan. USA Today, January 6, 1999.

"Online shopping will overtake catalog shopping in the coming year [1999]." U.S. News and World Report, December 7, 1998

"E-food and beverage sales will increase 50 times in the next five years"

"Dell Computer says $6 million per day is spent at their web site; Dell estimates 50% of their sales will be from the Internet by the year 2000"

"It took 34 years for radio to get 50 million listeners, 13 years for television to get 50 million viewers, and only 4 years for the Internet to get 50 million users" Fortune Magazine, December 7, 1998.

"Two converging trends, computer use in the home and burgeoning online services, will make the Internet an indispensable tool by the year 2002. When the Internet becomes a direct-to-consumer distribution system, it will signal an enormous change in retailing practices across the board." Harry Dent, The Roaring 2000s

"This is not a rising tide- it’s a tidal wave!" Fortune, December 7, 1998

"The Internet Revolution will begin to have an even greater impact. It will determine which companies survive and which ones get left behind." John Chambers, CEO Cisco Systems

"The potential of e-commerce is revolutionary in its scope." Steve Case, AOL Chairman

"The days of the Internet viewed as a stepchild to the brick and mortar business are gone." Internet Business, December 1998

"Every company has to have a major Internet presence." Business Week, December 1998

"Online shopping is going to keep improving and keep sending shock waves through the world of retailing." U.S. News and World Report, December 7, 1998

"The Internet represents an unparalleled opportunity to change human history. Every aspect of our lives will be affected by the Internet- from the way we communicate to how business is done. There is no other medium possessing the ability to connect the world in quite the same fashion [as the Internet]."
Robert G. Albertson, President Linx Networks, Inc.

"A company who can combine high technology and high touch will be the ruler of business on the Internet." Bill Gates, Business 2.0, December 1998

"Once you have created a network of interdependent players, each of whom benefits every time another player is added to the network, you have a value engine." Business 2.0, December 1998

"Internet or bust! Don’t get left in the dust. The smartest companies are using the Net to create a whole new way of doing business. Call it the E-CORPORATION." Cover, Fortune, December 7, 1998

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