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When society realizes problems impairing the growth of civilization, a need to meet the demands of society exists. Throughout the twentieth century, we have seen technology time and time again meet those demands. First radio, then television, and now the Internet. Why use the Internet to advertise?

The Internet is:

A. Cost Effective
B. NOT Time Consuming
C. And It Works!

A. Cost Effective

Here at Linx Networks, our pride is helping small to medium size businesses succeed. One way we do that is to offer the business owner a cheaper advertising medium than print, radio, or television. You can have several pages of information about your business available on the internet for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

B. NOT Time Consuming

Linx Networks offers you the freedom to be as little or as much involved in the development of your web site as you would like. Since each web site is custom tailored to meet the needs of a particular business, some business owners may feel more comfortable being directly involved in the development of their web site. This is especially true for companies who wish to do direct sales online- the business owner chooses to have the final say as the editor of his or her catalog and product presentation.

On the other hand, some businesses simply want to use the Internet to tell the public that they are in business, to reinforce other advertising forms, and perhaps to even offer special promotions to online consumers. There is usually a very little time commitment required for this kind of business owner.

C. The Internet Works!

You don’t need a huge advertising budget to promote or market your business online. Since many business owners are active participants in the day to day operation of their businesses, many don’t have time to learn the intensive programming languages and tricks of the trade, allowing them to publish online, much less maintain a web site. It is usually easier to source out this kind of work to another company. Sourcing out this type of work to an Internet professional is easier, less time consuming, and typically produces more effective results. Internet professionals know that information on the web is immediate, cosmopolitan, interactive, auditable, and visually appealing. They know how to drive traffic to a web site, your web site, and they know the keys to creating a successful web site; providing useful information in an entertaining form. The web site should be informative to give people a reason to visit initially; it should be useful enough to give the visitors a reason to come back, and it should be entertaining because no one likes to be bored. Information combined with entertainment has a greater impact than information alone. Though these are all great characteristics of web pages, the Internet itself offers something that traditional forms of media do not- a young audience. How many 20 something's do you know that read the newspaper on a daily basis? Arbitron Ratings told us that radio is losing young listeners, so where are they? They are online! Quite simply put, in order for a business to continue to be in business, there is no question that they MUST have an Internet presence. As the Baby Boomers retire and become less active, it will be the next generation that is the driving force of the economy. The earlier a business can establish itself within the next generation, the more years of prosperity it will enjoy.

Though the Internet is a great resource for advertising, some companies have built tremendous wealth by using the Internet for direct sales.

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